List Categories and Listings by W

Warsaw, Poland
Banggan, Thailand
Wartan Mamikon Joakim Jordan
This point is the exact location: either the centre of the airfield or the mid point of the longest runway., United Kingdom
Category UK letter S-Z
Warton EGNO (A)
This point is the exact location: either the centre of the airfield or the mid point of the longest runway., United Kingdom
Category UK letter S-Z
Warwick X3WW (A)
Schönbrunn, Germany
Wat gebeurde er met een persoon met het syndroom van Down in Nazi Duitsland?
This point is the exact location: either the centre of the airfield or the mid point of the longest runway., United Kingdom
Category UK letter S-Z
Watchfield X2WT (A)
This point is the exact location: either the centre of the airfield or the mid point of the longest runway., United Kingdom
Category UK letter S-Z
Watchford Farm X9WF (A)
Airfield location only known to about +/- 5nm, United Kingdom
Category UK letter S-Z
Water Eaton X9WE (C)
14710, Colleville-sur-Mer, France
Water Tender, First Class Dillenburg Charles M (Service #: 06108544) died on 1945-06-20
14710, Colleville-sur-Mer, France
Water Tender, First Class Elrod George (Service #: 03416123) died on 1944-09-25
14710, Colleville-sur-Mer, France
Water Tender, First Class Lambert Melvin T (Service #: 03287437) died on 1944-06-08
14710, Colleville-sur-Mer, France
Water Tender, First Class Pitts William I (Service #: 02622388) died on 1944-06-08
14710, Colleville-sur-Mer, France
Water Tender, Second Class Cizek Harvey J (Service #: 03059261) died on 1944-09-25
14710, Colleville-sur-Mer, France
Water Tender, Second Class Radzinski Joseph (Service #: 02245374) died on 1945-06-07
14710, Colleville-sur-Mer, France
Water Tender, Third Class Anderson Lloyd V (Service #: 08657849) died on 1944-06-08
14710, Colleville-sur-Mer, France
Water Tender, Third Class Bickel Francis N (Service #: 06514580) died on 1944-06-08
14710, Colleville-sur-Mer, France
Water Tender, Third Class Cotten Freeman A (Service #: 06260535) died on 1944-09-25
14710, Colleville-sur-Mer, France
Water Tender, Third Class Decimos Peter S (Service #: 08130884) died on 1944-06-08
14710, Colleville-sur-Mer, France
Water Tender, Third Class Felenchak Frank (Service #: 06425536) died on 1944-06-08
14710, Colleville-sur-Mer, France
Water Tender, Third Class Fenton Franklin E (Service #: 08158155) died on 1944-06-08