List Categories and Listings by Y

Buchenwald, Germany
Überstellung („Schutzhaft“) Schaper Friedrich arrival
Wilhelmsplatz 1, Bamberg, Germany
Überstellung („Schutzhaft“) Schaper Friedrich departure
Buchenwald, Germany
Überstellung Ackermann Josef arrival
Stadelheimer Straße 12, München, Germany
Überstellung Ackermann Josef departure
Hampton Court Rd, Hampton, United Kingdom
Yarmouth Isle of Wight, United Kingdom
Category Navy-base
Yarmouth Isle of Wight
Airfield location only known to about +/- 5nm, United Kingdom
Category UK letter S-Z
Yarnbury Castle X0YC (C)
Accuracy of this loction is approximately 1nm., United Kingdom
Category UK letter S-Z
Yate X2YT (B)
This point is the exact location: either the centre of the airfield or the mid point of the longest runway., United Kingdom
Category UK letter S-Z
Yatesbury X2YB (A)
This point is the exact location: either the centre of the airfield or the mid point of the longest runway., United Kingdom
Category UK letter S-Z
Yearby X5YB (A)
This point is the exact location: either the centre of the airfield or the mid point of the longest runway., United Kingdom
Category UK letter S-Z
Yeatsall Farm X3YF (A)
Airfield location only known to about +/- 5nm, United Kingdom
Category UK letter S-Z
Yelling X0YL (C)
14710, Colleville-sur-Mer, France
Yeoman, Second Class Byers Rolla M (Service #: 03564826) died on 1944-06-11
14710, Colleville-sur-Mer, France
Yeoman, Second Class Green Charles P (Service #: 08151579) died on 1945-06-20
This point is the exact location: either the centre of the airfield or the mid point of the longest runway., United Kingdom
Category UK letter S-Z
Yeovil EGHG (A)
This point is the exact location: either the centre of the airfield or the mid point of the longest runway., United Kingdom
Category UK letter S-Z
Yeovilton EGDY (A)
L?beckerbocht, Germany
Yme Krips
Tarakan (Borneo), Indonesia
Yntze van der Jagt
Java Sea, Java Sea
Ynze Hendrik van der Schaaf
Accuracy of this loction is approximately 1nm., United Kingdom
Category UK letter S-Z
York (B)