The Year 1945.....

The Year 1945.....
On Fri. 20 Apr 1945 Vice Admiral Gisaburo Yamaguchi was named the comm.....
On Fri. 23 Feb 1945 23 German Ju-88 bombers attacked an Allied convoy.....
On Fri. 23 Feb 1945 A raid of 379 British bombers attacked the German.....
On Fri. 23 Feb 1945 Ba 349 prototype aircraft conducted its first unma.....
On Fri. 23 Feb 1945 Chiang Kaishek unexpectedly withdrew all Chinese f.....
On Fri. 23 Feb 1945 Fighting at the Intramuros district of Manila, Phi.....
On Fri. 23 Feb 1945 Fortress Posen (now Poznan, Poland) was captured b.....
On Fri. 23 Feb 1945 German paratroopers moving a 7.5 cm PaK 40 gun int.....
On Fri. 23 Feb 1945 South African pilot Captain Edwin Swales with the.....
On Fri. 23 Feb 1945 The Verona Philharmonic Theatre in Italy was bombe.....
On Fri. 23 Feb 1945 Troops of Soviet 6th Army entered southern distric.....
On Fri. 23 Feb 1945 Turkey declared war on Germany and Japan, effectiv.....
On Fri. 23 Feb 1945 US Marines and a Navy corpsman raised an American.....
On Fri. 23 Feb 1945 USS Hoe collided with USS Flounder underwater at t.....
On Fri. 23 Feb 1945 USS Permit arrived at Philadelphia Navy Yard, Penn.....
On Fri. 23 Feb 1945 USS Wake Island refueled east of Iwo Jima, Japan......
On Fri. 23 Feb 1945 USS Wasp's aircraft attacked targets in the Tokyo,.....
On Fri. 23 Feb 1945 USS Yorktown (Essex-class) departed the Bonin Isla.....
On Fri. 23 Mar 1945 Allied convoy RA-65 departed the Kola Inlet near M.....
On Fri. 23 Mar 1945 As US Third Army made another Rhine River crossing.....