The Year 1943.....

The Year 1943.....
On Wed. 25 Aug 1943 The V Amphibious Corps (VAC) under the command of.....
On Wed. 25 Aug 1943 USS Alabama transited the Panama Canal......
On Wed. 25 Aug 1943 USS Finback fired two torpedoes at a Japanese tran.....
On Wed. 25 Aug 1943 USS Tunny attacked a 6-ship Japanese convoy with f.....
On Wed. 25 Aug 1943 USS Wahoo arrived at Midway Atoll Facility.....
On Wed. 26 may 1943 759 British heavy bombers attacked Düsseldurf,.....
On Wed. 26 may 1943 Allied convoy SC 130 arrived in Liverpool, England.....
On Wed. 26 may 1943 At dawn, a 4,500-strong Japanese force attacked to.....
Peenemünde, Germany
On Wed. 26 may 1943 King George VI and Queen Elizabeth visited RAF Wyt.....
On Wed. 26 may 1943 Soviet troops began an offensive against the Germa.....
On Wed. 26 may 1943 The German government issued the order to stop ass.....
On Wed. 26 may 1943 USS Sable arrived at Chicago, Illinois, United Sta.....
On Wed. 26 may 1943 USS Whale sank Japanese freighter Shoei Maru in th.....
On Wed. 26 may 1943 V. T. Shirmanov was named the Soviet counterintell.....
On Wed. 27 Jan 1943 Allied convoy JW-52 arrived at the Kola Inlet near.....
On Wed. 27 Jan 1943 The Camillus Cutlery Company of Camillus, New York.....
On Wed. 27 Jan 1943 The Chenggong Airfield in Kunming, Yunnan Province.....
On Wed. 27 Jan 1943 The headquarters of the US 2nd Marine Aircraft Win.....
On Wed. 27 Jan 1943 The keel of submarine Golet was laid down by the M.....