The Year 1941.....

The Year 1941.....
On Wed. 31 Dec 1941 US Navy Task Force 11 with USS Saratoga departed P.....
On Wed. 31 Dec 1941 USS Astoria departed Pearl Harbor, US Territory of.....
On Wed. 31 Dec 1941 USS Pollack fired two torpedoes at a Japanese dest.....
White House, Washington, United States
President Franklin D. Roosevelt signing the Declaration of War against Japan
Hakenterrasse, Stettin, Poland
raf Zeppelin docked at Hakenterrasse, Stettin.
Yeoviton, United Kingdom
Six British Royal Navy Fleet Air Arm Sea Hurricane aircraft
Elandsgracht 117, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Three Jewish boys arrested after fight with the NSB
Wellingborough, Northamptonshire, United Kingdom
Two female factory workers the turret of a Covenanter tank
Wolfs Liar, Poland
Werner Mölders, Wilhelm Keitel, Adolf Hitler and Hermann Göring at the Wolfs Liar
London, United Kingdom
Winston Churchill inspecting the ruins of the Coventry Cathedral
Reykjavik, Icelnd
Winston Churchill visiting US Marines on Iceland