Leutnant Friedrich Lengfeld was a Wehrmacht soldier during World War II.
He was company commander of the 2nd Company of the 275th Infantry Division's Fusilier battalion and is known for sacrificing his life while trying to save a American soldier who got injured after stepping on a mine.Lengfeld saw this and couldn’t see the man screaming in pain and asking his brothers in arms to come and save him.
Lengfeld ordered his men not to fire when the Americans would come for his rescue. But no one came and the American soldier kept screaming in pain for help.In war like situations soldiers often can’t see someone who’s injured dying like that because it’s painful to watch.
Lengfeld made the decision to go and help that American soldier himself. He had to walk over the area covered with minefield to save that soldier.It was just a couple of steps only when a mine blew up leaving Lengfeld badly injured. He was taken aback by his soldiers but later succumbed to his injuries.For his actions the Americans build a monument in his honour.