On this location in Ugarsthal this organisation - Kontinentale ol - used slave labor. Kontinentale ol was a state-controlled but privately-owned 'Ostgesellschaft'organized to produce petroleum and other chemicals for the Nazi war effort. IG Farben was a shareholder in Kontinentale ol. Hayes, Industry and Ideology, at 255-261. The slave labor camps of Kontinentale ol are apparently not listed in the Catalogue. The slave labor locations named here appear in Christopher Simpson, The Splendid Blond Beast: Money, Law, and Genocide in the Twentieth Century, (New York: Grove Press, 1993) (hereinafter, 'Simpson'), at 225,0German Entities (Private or State-Owned) that exploited Slave Labor and that had unspecified Swiss Assets or Swiss Bank Accounts or Swiss Bank Accounts.
If you have a more specific address and/or photos, please contact WW2 History Europe (see the menu).