On this location in Neuengamme this organisation - Baubrigade 1 - used slave labor. This record lists entities owned or controlled by the Nazi State, including the SS, (as well as private entities established or controlled by the SS or individual members of the SS or Nazi State) that exploited slave labor. All persons who performed slave labor for these entities are members of Slave Labor Class I because of the financial ties that existed between the Nazi State (and its allies) and Switzerland, including, but not limited to, transactions in gold and maintenance of Swiss bank accounts by entities of the Nazi State, such as the Reichsbank. See, e.g,, discussion in Slave Labor Class I Annex of Eizenstat Report, Bergier Gold Report, British Archives Report, Part II, and the list compiled by the Independent Committee of Eminent Persons ('ICEP'). The list that follows is undoubtedly incomplete. Because most names have been taken from the Catalogue (which published names of camps and entities in German), the German spelling of names has, for the most part, been retained throughout this list. The list of locations includes the actual location of the labor site and/or the Kommando ('Kdo.') unit designation, indicating the main camp which administered the external work detachment. 'Zwangsarbeitslagers'['forced labor camps'] are also listed here, because any 'Victim or Target of Nazi Persecution' who labored at such a location performed 'slave labor'as defined by Section 1 of the Settlement Agreement. See Slave Labor Class I Annex. Beginning in 1942, the SS formed mobile 'Baubrigades'from concentration camp inmates to repair roads, railroads, buildings and infrastructure destroyed during Allied bombing raids. In contrast to other external work detachments, the Baubrigades changed locations frequently, moving to sites as needed. They were assigned to nearby main camps at their various locations. See Martin Weinmann, (Hgg.), Das nationalsozialistische Lagersystem (3d Edition) (Frankfurt: Zweitausendeins, 1998), at XXIII. German Entities (Private or State-Owned) that exploited Slave Labor and that had unspecified Swiss Assets or Swiss Bank Accounts or Swiss Bank Accounts.
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