Organisations working with slave labor

Organisations working with slave labor
Berlin, Germany
Robert Stock & Co and slave labor in Berlin
Hilden, Germany
Robert Zapp and slave labor in Hilden
Mehle, Germany
Roechling & Buderus and slave labor in Mehle
Oberbiel, Germany
Roechling & Buderus and slave labor in Oberbiel
Mehle, Germany
Roechling and slave labor in Mehle
Oberbiel, Germany
Roechling and slave labor in Oberbiel
Essen, Germany
Ruhrgas AG and slave labor in Essen
Gelsenkirchen, Germany
Ruhrgas AG and slave labor in Gelsenkirchen
Klueppelberg, Germany
Ruhrgas AG and slave labor in Klueppelberg
Brackwede, Germany
Ruhrstahl AG and slave labor in Brackwede
Buchenwald, Germany
Ruhrstahl AG and slave labor in Buchenwald
Gelsenkirchen, Germany
Ruhrstahl AG and slave labor in Gelsenkirchen
Welper, Germany
Ruhrstahl AG and slave labor in Welper
Witten, Germany
Ruhrstahl AG and slave labor in Witten
Castrop-Rauxel, Germany
Rutgerswerke AG and slave labor in Castrop-Rauxel
Gross-Auheim, Germany
Rutgerswerke AG and slave labor in Gross-Auheim
Radeberg, Germany
Sachsenwerk Licht- und Kraft AG and slave labor in Radeberg
Wuppertal, Germany
Schlaffariawerke and slave labor in Wuppertal
Wuppertal, Germany
Schlaraffiawerke and slave labor in Wuppertal
Otzenrath, Germany
Schniewind and slave labor in Otzenrath