Execution spots

Execution spots

Execution spots

Chenogne, Belgium
Massacre by 11 Armored Division (USA)
Miřetice, Czech Republic
Massacre in the village of Ležáky
Kalavryta, Greece
Massacre Kalavryta, 13th of December 1943
Kommeno, Greece
Oradour-sur-Glane, France
Massacre Oradour-sur-Glane 10th June 1944
Trandum, Norway
Frayssinet le Gelat, France
Murders by SS Rifle company of the 2 Panzer Division 'Das Reich'
Naliboki, Belarus
Naliboki,129 men, women and children were killed.
Nikolaev, Ukraine
Nikolaev massacre
Wormhoudt, France
No 7 Company, 2nd Battalion of the SS Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler massacre
Buron, France
North Nova prisoners executed in Buron
Novi Sad, Serbia
Novi Sad thousands of Jews and Sebians
Więźniów Oświęcimia 20 Oświęcim, Poland
Pinsk, Belarus
On October 27, 1942, the ghetto in Pinsk was liquidated.
Bydgoszcz, Poland
Polish soldiers began orgy of murder and rape surrounding of Bydgoszcz
Radzilow, Poland
Radzilow massacre
Lambinowice, Poland
Revenge in Gruben
Paradis Lestrem, France
Lviv, Ukraine
Samarstinov: thousands of Ukrainian and Polish political prisoners were murdered in their cells by the Soviet NKVD (KGB)
Saint-Julien-de-Crempse, France
Soviet horse-mounted Cossacks killing male residents Saint Julian