The 2nd Infantry Division began offloading across Omaha Beach on the evening of 7 June, and by 9 June assumed responsibility for a 5,000-yard front.
Its initial objective was the town of Trevieres, which it secured early on 10 June after difficult fighting.
The division’s next objective was the Foret de Cerisy, occupying high ground six miles south of the beaches and dominating the beachhead with its observation and fields of fire.
The forest also provided concealment for potential German counterattacks.
The division’s attack progressed quickly past and through the forest, until it encountered stiff residual resistance at the crossroads of Haute Littee.
This too fell within a day, and the following day the division went on to force a crossing of the Elle River.
In five days of fighting the 2nd Infantry Division had pushed the Germans off of arguably the most defensible terrain facing the eastern half of the Omaha beachhead, and had deprived them of an opportunity for placing observed fire on the beaches.