505 Engineer Light Ponton Company

505 Engineer Light Ponton Company

505th Engineer Light Ponton Company

Hall Wurttemberg, Germany
505th Engineer Light Ponton Company moved engineer materials (Hall)
Ulm, Germany
505th Engineer Light Ponton Company moved engineer materials (Ulm)
Walldurn, Germany
505th Engineer Light Ponton Company moved engineer materials (Walldurn)
Wurzburg Bavaria, Germany
505th Engineer Light Ponton Company moved engineer materials (Wurzburg)
Quadrath, Germany
505th Engineer Light Ponton Company moved from Duren to Quadrath
Hamoir, Belgium
505th Engineer Light Ponton Company moved from Nandrin to Hamoir
Duren Rhineland, Germany
505th Engineer Light Ponton Company moved into Duren
Ferrieres, Belgium
505th Engineer Light Ponton Company moved to Ferrieres
Trilport, France
505th Engineer Light Ponton Company moved to Trilport
Kaiserslautern, Germany
505th Engineer Light Ponton Company near the center of Kaiserslautern
La Madeleine-Bouvet, France
505th Engineer Light Ponton Company pick up the Platoon's basic equipment
Salmchateau, Belgium
505th Engineer Light Ponton Company picked up a 70' DS Bridge
Eschweiler, Germany
505th Engineer Light Ponton Company picked up a 70' DS Bridge at Salmchateau
Orglandes Manche, France
505th Engineer Light Ponton Company provided 299th Engr. C. Bn with transportation
Orglandes Manche, France
505th Engineer Light Ponton Company provided transportation for the 299th Engr. C. Bn.
Huy, Belgium
505th Engineer Light Ponton Company providing and training
Euskirchen, Germany
505th Engineer Light Ponton Company replace a bridge which had collapsed the day before
Ferrieres, Belgium
505th Engineer Light Ponton Company resting following successful conclusion of VII Corps participation
La Madeleine-Bouvet, France
505th Engineer Light Ponton Company returned from delivering
Lydney, United Kingdom
505th Engineer Light Ponton Company road construction in the Forest of Dean