A large pocket in Western Holland was still in German hands and the population was approaching starvation; many old or sick people had already died. A truce was arranged with the local German commander and Lancasters of Nos 1, 3 and 8 Groups started to drop food supplies for the civilian population. Pathfinder Mosquitos 'marked' the dropping zones. 2,835 Lancaster and 124 Mosquito flights were made before the Germans surrendered at the end of the war and allowed ships and road transport to enter the area. Bomber Command delivered 6,672 tons of food during Operation Manna.
Leiden: Valkenburg airfield
The Hague: Duindigt (field horse track)
The Hague: Ypenburg airfield
Rotterdam: Waalhaven airfield
Rotterdam: Kralingische plas
Gouda: location unknown
Photo 1: RAF Ground crew loading food supplies
Photo 2: Many Thanks spelt-out on the ground in tulips after Operation Manna