At the date of 16-10-1940, time: 2145, the aircraft type Wellington has been lost. The location of the plane was found at: Oosterwolde (Gld.). The unit of crew and plane is: 311 Sqdn. First flyer rank: Pilot Officer, name: B. Landa. The plane belonged to the Allied forces.
Crew: Wellington MK.1C. - L7844 - KX-T - 16 Oct 1940 - Mission: Kiel
82557 - Pilot Officer - Pilot - Bohumil Landa - RAFVR - Age 43 - KIA
787250 - Sergeant - Co-Pilot - Emanuel Novotný - RAFVR - Age 36 - POW - Camps L1/L3, POW No. 395
82605 - Pilot Officer - Navigator - Hubert Jarošek - RAFVR - Age 30 - KIA
787141 - Sergeant - W.Operator / Air Gunner - Otto Jirsák - RAFVR - Age 33 - KIA
787547 - Sergeant - W.Operator / Air Gunner - Karl Klimt - RAFVR - Age 27 - KIA
787153 - Sergeant - Rear Gunner - Augustýn Karel Šesták - RAFVR - Age 22 - POW - Camps L1/L6/L4, POW No. 396
Shot down by a Do17Z-10 (Lt Ludwig Becker, 4./NJG1)
Crashed in flames at 21:45 - near Oosterwolde (Gelderland) - 18 mi NW of Apeldoorn, Holland
This action was actually the first DuNaja kill. DuNaja = Dunkle Nachtjagd = Dark Night Fighting
Radar directed night-fighting without searchlights - Known GCI - Ground Controlled Interception
All killed are buried in Oosterwolde General Cemetery, Oldebroek
Two were taken POW - Sgt. E. Novotný was interned in Camps L1/L3, POW No. 395
and Sgt. A. Šesták in Camps L1/L6/L4, POW No. 396
Thanks to PATS (see source link for more info)