At the date of 25-09-1944, time: 1700, the aircraft type Mitchell has been lost. The location of the plane was found at: Arnhem (tegen dijk bij gasbedrijf). The unit of crew and plane is: 98 Sqdn. First flyer rank: F/Sergeant, name: B.L. Williams. The plane belonged to the Allied forces.
KIA: Thomas Lennie en Bruce Williams
Missing: Charles Carter.
Survived: Frank Browmaster
Bruce Williams was able to leave the airplane but was shot by a German soldier hanging at his parachute.
98 Squadron, RAF, based at Dunsfold, Surrey, UK, despatched 11 Mitchell IIs (B-25C/D) to Arnhem to bomb enemy gun positions. IV/JG54 attacked and, although they claimed four Mitchells destroyed, only two in fact were shot down. Claims were made by Maj. Wolfang Spate (1 claim) and Ltn. Heinrich Sterr, and the gun camera film from Spate (now in the Imperial war Museum, London) confirmed his claim.
The Mitchells lost were serial numbers FW-194 and FW-211.
Other source: The formation of 11 Mitchell IIs from 98 Sqn, RAF, was apparently attacked by a mixed force from 14/JG4 and IV/JG54. Twenty five Mustang IIIs of 133 Wing, 2 TAF, lead by W/Cdr Jan Zumbach, and Spitfires of 118 Sqn, lead by W/Cdr Johnny Checketts then attacked the Luftwaffe aircraft. Pilots of 129 Sqn (Mustang III) claimed two FW190s and one Bf109 shot down, and one FW190 damaged.
Zumbach claimed a FW190 as a 'probable', and a 306 Sqn (Mustang III) pilot claimed a FW190 as 'Damaged'.
A claim for one Bf109 shot down was shared by Checketts and a 118 Sqn pilot.
Two Mustangs were lost, reportedly to flak.
The info is compiled from accounts in two books, and other tracts covering RAF Mitchell ops.