At the date of 22-12-1943, time: 1430, the aircraft type B-24 has been lost. The location of the plane was found at: Den Ham (Hammerflier). The unit of crew and plane is: 44BG/66BS. First flyer rank: 1st Lieutenant, name: W.W. Oakley. The plane belonged to the Allied forces.
44th BG - 14 CBW - Circle 'A' - 66th BS - WQ - 2nd Div - 8th Air Force
Crew: B-24H - #42-7533 - 22 Dec 1943 - Mission: Münster - MACR #1713
19094241 - O-740893 - Pilot - 1st Lt. - Warren W. Oakley - King Co., WA - Age 23 - KIA
O-393514 - Co-pilot - 1st Lt. - Richard K. Collins - Tompkins Co., NY - Age .. - FOD
14076719 - O-673624 - Navigator - 1st Lt. - Frank D. Powers - Duval Co., FL - Age 23 - POW
14266875 - Bombardier - T/Sgt. - James W. Christian Jr. - ..... Co., .. - Age .. - KIA
32509819 - Radio Operator - S/Sgt. - Abel (nmi) Fleischman - Kings Co., NY - Age 22 - POW
37152819 - Engineer / Top Turret Gunner - T/Sgt. - John F. Byers - Custer Co., SD - Age 29 - EVD/POW
17026292 - Ball Turret Gunner - S/Sgt. - Robert F. Smith - Hennepin Co., MN - Age .. - FOD
12092338 - Right Waist Gunner - Sgt. - Arthur C. Timme - Kings Co., NY - Age 21 - KIA
35401274 - Left Waist Gunner - S/Sgt. - Lewis R. Weaver - Franklin Co., OH - Age .. - FOD
17068404 - Tail Gunner - S/Sgt. - Willis (nmi) Sondag - Keokuk Co., IA - Age 22 - KIA
John F. Byers
Thanks to PATS (see source link for more info)