At the date of 11-09-1944, time: 1345, the aircraft type B-24 has been lost. The location of the plane was found at: Dalfsen (buurtschap Hessum). The unit of crew and plane is: 448BG/713BS. First flyer rank: 2nd Lieutenant, name: R.C. Vogel. The plane belonged to the Allied forces.
448th BG - 20 CBW - Circle 'I' - 713th BS - 'IG' - 2nd Div - 8th Air Force
Base : Seething, UK - Station 146 - deployed 22 Dec 1943
Crew: B-24H - #42-95138 - 'No Love No Nothing' - "IG" - 11 Sep 1944 - Mission: Magdeburg - MACR #8927
32135229 - O-701980 - 2nd Lt. - Pilot - Richard C. Vogel - Erie Co., NY - EVD -
O-713563 - 2nd Lt. - Co-Pilot - Leslie Monroe Sellers - Greencastle, PA - EVD -
O-719099 - 2nd Lt. - Navigator - Myron Bruce Koth - West Allis, WI - POW
13169809 - O-717091 - 2nd. Lt. - Bombardier - Warren Hamilton Neville - Allegheny Co., PA - POW
14147654 - Sgt. - Engineer / Top Turret Gunner - Clyde Luther Turner Jr. - Fulton Co., GA - POW
35794316 - Sgt. - Radio Operator - Charles George Genkinger - Cincinnati, OH - POW
37554286 - S/Sgt. - Ball Turret Gunner - William Aldred Hammer - Wapheton, ND - EVD -
31423442 - Sgt. - Right Waist Gunner - Carl Gustaf 'Gus' Stenberg - Gloucester, MA - POW
36698275 - Sgt. - Left Waist Gunner - James Frederick Burnett - Auburn, IL - EVD -
17057058 - Sgt. - Tail Gunner - John S. Phillips - Leavenworth, Leavenworth Co., KS - KIA
Richard C. Vogel
Leslie Monroe Sellers/p>
Warren Hamilton Neville
Thanks to PATS (see source link for more info)