At the date of 15-08-1944, time: 1330, the aircraft type B-24 has been lost. The location of the plane was found at: Zuidveen. The unit of crew and plane is: 466BG/786BS. First flyer rank: 1st Lieutenant, name: V.W. Munroe. The plane belonged to the Allied forces.
466th BG - 96 CBW - Circle 'L' - 786th BS - U8 - 2nd Div - 8th Air Force
Crew: Liberator - B-24H - #41-29449 - "D" - "TRUE LOVE" - 15 Aug 1944 - MACR #8429
35322020 - O-809346 - 1st Lt. - Pilot - John Simpson "Jack" Archer Jr. - Cuyahoga County, OH - KIA
39906199 - 0-817617 - 1st Lt. - Co-Pilot - Thomas Lynn "Tommy" Bell - Salt Lake County, UT - KIA
O-703301 - 1st Lt. - Navigator - Norman "Norm" Peck - Kings County, NY - KIA
38395312 - S/Sgt. - Nose Turret Gunner - Robert Joseph "Bob" Lehman - Kowana, Seminole County, OK - KIA
36450215 - S/Sgt. - Ass. Eng. / Top Turret Gunner - Edward Bartrom "Bart" Philo - Hesperia, Oceana County, MI - KIA
35723725 - T/Sgt. - Radio Operator / Waist Gunner - Donald Edward "Don" McCarty - IN - POW
38327189 - T/Sgt. - Ball Turret Gunner - Flt. Engineer - William Alonzo "Willie" Lowen - Ponca City, Kay Co., OK - Stalag Luft 3 - Sagan - POW
O-1549986 - 2nd Lt. - Squadron Gunnery Officer - Right Waist Gunner - William Leslie II - NY - POW
19000426 - S/Sgt. - Left Waist Gunner - Harry Arthur "Knobby" Clark - EVD
18177210 - S/Sgt. - Tail Gunner - John Marvin "Johnny" Capps - Stoddard County, MO - Stalag Luft 4 - Gross-Tychow - POW
!!! NOTE: Discrepancy in crew positions !!!
need a closer look - 28 Jun 2011 - info PATS
John Simpson "Jack" Archer Jr.
Thomas Lynn "Tommy" Bell
Norman "Norm" Peck
Robert Joseph "Bob" Lehman
Edward Bartrom "Bart" Philo
Donald Edward "Don" McCarty
William Alonzo "Willie" Lowen
Harry Arthur "Knobby" Clark
John Marvin "Johnny" Capps
Thanks to PATS (see source link for more info)