At the date of 08-03-1944, time: 1600, the aircraft type B-24 has been lost. The location of the plane was found at: Den Oosterhuis (3,5 km O Oud Avereest). The unit of crew and plane is: 453BG/732BS. First flyer rank: 1st Lieutenant, name: E.G. Ehrmann. The plane belonged to the Allied forces.
453rd BG - 2 CBW - Circle 'J' - 732nd BS - E3 - 2nd Div - 8th Air Force
Crew: B-24H-10-FO - #42-52175 - "Portland Anne" - 8 Mar 1944 - Mission: Berlin
17073990 - O-681972 - 1st Lt. - Pilot - Everett George Ehrman - Ferguson, MO - EVD-POW
39602960 - O-750380 - 2nd Lt. - Co-Pilot - William Henry Hammond - Salem, OR - EVD-POW
17063853 - O-687897 - 2nd Lt. - Navigator - Marlowe Bayne Olson - Bristow, Boyd County, NE - EVD-POW
13069307 - O-688360 - 2nd Lt. - Bombardier - Walter Houston Kendall - McConnellsburg, Fulton Co., PA - EVD-POW
18216914 - S/Sgt. - Engineer / Top Turret Gunner - Odell Hooper - Hastings, OK - EVD-POW
17068642 - S/Sgt. - Radio Operator - Donald E. Anderson - Ottumwa, Wapello County, IA - POW
19066441 - S/Sgt. - Ball Turret Gunner - Morgan Eagle Hartman - Los Angeles, CA - POW
37232260 - S/Sgt. - Right Waist Gunner - Paul Henry Moseley - Brookfield, Linn County, MO - EVD-POW
35166020 - T/Sgt. - Left Waist Gunner - Bon Elam Boswell Jr. - Marion, Grant County, IN - EVD-POW
32741374 - S/Sgt. - Tail Gunner - Michael Kopcza - Cohoes, Albany County, NY - EVD-POW
Everett George Ehrman
William Henry Hammond
Marlowe Bayne Olson
Walter Houston Kendall
Odell Hooper
Donald E. Anderson
Morgan Eagle Hartman
Paul Henry Moseley
Bon Elam Boswell Jr.
Michael Kopcza
Thanks to PATS (see source link for more info)