At the date of 06-03-1944, time: 1530, the aircraft type B-17 has been lost. The location of the plane was found at: De Leijen (O Staphorst). The unit of crew and plane is: 452BG/731BS. First flyer rank: 2nd Lieutenant, name: C.F. Wagner. The plane belonged to the Allied forces.
452nd BG - 45 CBW - Square 'L' - 731st BS - 7D - 3rd Div - 8th Air Force
Crew: B-17G-15-BO - c/n 6487 - #42-31373 "7D-V" - "Flakstop" - 6 Mar 1944 - Mission: Berlin
O-684435 - 2nd Lt. - Pilot - Charles F. Wagner - Mt Angel, Marion County, OR - KIA
12139739 - O-754451 - 2nd Lt. - Co-Pilot - Alan "Al" Richard Willis - Binghamton, Broom County, NY - EVD
16061224 - O-691779 - 2nd Lt. - Navigator - Clyde J. Martin - Danvers, McLean County, IL - EVD
13060762 - O-682106 - 2nd Lt. - Bombardier - Henry H. Gladys - Crawford County, PA - EVD
16154449 - T/Sgt. - Engineer / Top Turret Gunner - Donald Arthur Porter - Marinette, Marinette Co., WI - EVD
34403199 - T/Sgt. - Radio Operator - Francis Shaffer - Noma, Holmes County, FL - KIA
20842306 - S/Sgt. - Ball Turret Gunner - Lloyd J. Freeman - Norman, Cleveland County, OK - POW
11018903 - S/Sgt. - Right Waist Gunner - Frederick V. Richmond - Hampshire County, MA - KIA
12143775 - Sgt. - Left Waist Gunner - Joseph E. Tracy Jr. - Brooklyn, Kings County, NY - KIA
6572725 - T/Sgt. - Tail Gunner - George Lou James - Three Forks, Gallatin County, MT - KIA
Charles F. Wagner
Alan "Al" Richard Willis
Clyde J. Martin
Henry H. Gladys
Donald Arthur Porter
Francis Shaffer
Lloyd J. Freeman
Frederick V. Richmond
George Lou James
Thanks to PATS (see source link for more info)