At the date of 11-01-1944, time: 1300, the aircraft type B-17 has been lost. The location of the plane was found at: Berkum (near Zwolle). The unit of crew and plane is: 388BG/561BS. First flyer rank: 2nd Lieutenant, name: G.G. Hoehn. The plane belonged to the Allied forces.
388th BG - 45 CBW - Square 'H' - 561st BS - 'Squadron Code - none used' - 3rd Div - 8th Air Force
Crew: B-17G - #42-37867 - 'Berlin-Ambassador' - 11 Jan 1944 - Mission: Brunswick - MACR #3140
16061035 - O-676798 - 2nd Lt. - Pilot - George Gustav Hoehn - Marengo, McHenry Co., Illinois - KIA
O-684542 - 2nd Lt. - Co-Pilot - George Richard Owens - POW
15096236 - O-738871 - 2nd Lt. - Navigator - Donald Sylvester Modarelli - Mahoning Co., Ohio - KIA
15071091 - O-744228 - 2nd Lt. - Bombardier - Lieudell 'Lefty' Ernest Bauer - Shelby Co., Ohio - POW
36227710 - S/Sgt. - Engineer / Top Turret Gunner - Charles Clayton Rigdon - Grant Co., Wisconsin - POW
14066272 - T/Sgt. - Radio Operator - Byron Aster Wiberg Jr. - Fulton County, Georgia - POW-DOW
36400753 - S/Sgt. - Ball Turret Gunner - Peter John Zaskiewicz - Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan - KIA
31167410 - Sgt. - Right Waist Gunner - Edward Winslow Hincks Jr. - Hartford Co., Connecticut - POW
39400512 - S/Sgt. - Left Waist Gunner - Harlan Shoemaker Mann - Los Angeles Co., California - POW
16122902 - S/Sgt. - Tail Gunner - Gerald Fay Brinker - Ogle County, Illinois - POW
George Gustav Hoehn
George Richard Owens
Donald Sylvester Modarelli
Lieudell 'Lefty' Ernest Bauer
Charles Clayton Rigdon
GByron Aster Wiberg Jr. /b>
Peter John Zaskiewicz
Edward Winslow Hincks Jr.
Harlan Shoemaker Mann
Gerald Fay Brinker
Thanks to PATS (see source link for more info)