UK letter E-K

UK letter E-K
This point is the exact location: either the centre of the airfield or the mid point of the longest runway., United Kingdom
Goodwood Racecourse EGKG (A)
This point is the exact location: either the centre of the airfield or the mid point of the longest runway., United Kingdom
Gorrel Farm X9GF (A)
Airfield location only known to about +/- 5nm, United Kingdom
Gortin X0GR (C)
Airfield location only known to about +/- 5nm, United Kingdom
Gosberton X0GB (C)
This point is the exact location: either the centre of the airfield or the mid point of the longest runway., United Kingdom
Gosfield X2GO (A)
This point is the exact location: either the centre of the airfield or the mid point of the longest runway., United Kingdom
Gosport X2GP (A)
This point is the exact location: either the centre of the airfield or the mid point of the longest runway., United Kingdom
Goxhill X4GX (A)
This point is the exact location: either the centre of the airfield or the mid point of the longest runway., United Kingdom
Grafton Underwood X3GU (A)
This point is the exact location: either the centre of the airfield or the mid point of the longest runway., United Kingdom
Grangemouth X6GM (A)
This point is the exact location: either the centre of the airfield or the mid point of the longest runway., United Kingdom
Grangewood X9GW (A)
This point is the exact location: either the centre of the airfield or the mid point of the longest runway., United Kingdom
Gransden Lodge X3GL (A)
Accuracy of this loction is approximately 1nm., United Kingdom
Gransha Asylum X0GA (B)
This point is the exact location: either the centre of the airfield or the mid point of the longest runway., United Kingdom
Grassthorpe Grange X4GG (A)
This point is the exact location: either the centre of the airfield or the mid point of the longest runway., United Kingdom
Graveley X3GR (A)
This point is the exact location: either the centre of the airfield or the mid point of the longest runway., United Kingdom
Gravesend X2GV (A)
This point is the exact location: either the centre of the airfield or the mid point of the longest runway., United Kingdom
Grayrigg X5GR (A)
This point is the exact location: either the centre of the airfield or the mid point of the longest runway., United Kingdom
Great Ashfield X3GA (A)
This point is the exact location: either the centre of the airfield or the mid point of the longest runway., United Kingdom
Great Dunmow X2GD (A)
This point is the exact location: either the centre of the airfield or the mid point of the longest runway., United Kingdom
Great Limber X9GL (A)
This point is the exact location: either the centre of the airfield or the mid point of the longest runway., United Kingdom
Great Massingham X3GM (A)