UK letter A-D

UK letter A-D
This point is the exact location: either the centre of the airfield or the mid point of the longest runway., United Kingdom
Cluntoe X8CL (A)
This point is the exact location: either the centre of the airfield or the mid point of the longest runway., United Kingdom
Clutton Hill Farm X1CH (A)
This point is the exact location: either the centre of the airfield or the mid point of the longest runway., United Kingdom
Clyffe Pypard X2CP (A)
This point is the exact location: either the centre of the airfield or the mid point of the longest runway., United Kingdom
Coal Aston X3CN (A)
This point is the exact location: either the centre of the airfield or the mid point of the longest runway., United Kingdom
Coal Aston X3CQ (A)
This point is the exact location: either the centre of the airfield or the mid point of the longest runway., United Kingdom
Cock Marsh X0CZ (A)
This point is the exact location: either the centre of the airfield or the mid point of the longest runway., United Kingdom
Cockerham X9CK (A)
Airfield location only known to about +/- 5nm, United Kingdom
Colchester X2BL (C)
Accuracy of this loction is approximately 1nm., United Kingdom
Coldharbour Farm X2CF (B)
This point is the exact location: either the centre of the airfield or the mid point of the longest runway., United Kingdom
Coleby Grange X4CG (A)
Airfield location only known to about +/- 5nm, United Kingdom
Coleraine North X0AA (C)
Airfield location only known to about +/- 5nm, United Kingdom
Coleraine South X0AB (C)
This point is the exact location: either the centre of the airfield or the mid point of the longest runway., United Kingdom
Colerne EGUO (A)
This point is the exact location: either the centre of the airfield or the mid point of the longest runway., United Kingdom
Coll EGEL (A)
This point is the exact location: either the centre of the airfield or the mid point of the longest runway., United Kingdom
Collyweston X3CL (A)
Accuracy of this loction is approximately 1nm., United Kingdom
Colonsay EGEY (B)
This point is the exact location: either the centre of the airfield or the mid point of the longest runway., United Kingdom
Coltishall EGYC (A)
Airfield location only known to about +/- 5nm, United Kingdom
Colyton X0AC (C)
This point is the exact location: either the centre of the airfield or the mid point of the longest runway., United Kingdom
Combermere X0AE (A)
This point is the exact location: either the centre of the airfield or the mid point of the longest runway., United Kingdom
Compton Abbas EGHA (A)