1 The Regina Rifle Regiment landed at Courseuilles
08:05 hrs:
1st Bn The Regina Rifle Regiment, on Expedition "Overlord landed at Nan Green Beach, Courseuilles-Sur-Mer
Normandy France at 08:05 hrs: with A Coy being first in, followed by B Coy at 08:15 hrs.
C Coy landed at 08:35 hrs. D Coy at 08:55 hrs.
09:00 hrs:
Comd Gp, with Lt-Col F.M. Matheson, E.D., touchdown at 09:00 hrs.
08:30 hrs:
A Coy report that they are held up by heavy fire.
08:55 hrs:
Two LGA's of 3 Coy strike mins about 25C yds from beach and are blown up. Major J.V. Love, Comd D Coy,
Lt R.B. Murchison, Signal Officer, and a number of OR's are casualties. A number of others were rescued
by RN craft and swam ashore
09:30 hrs:
D Coy, consisting of approximately 45 all ranks, under command of Lt H.L. Jones began an advance to REVIERS
10:00 hrs:
Bn HQ at @@(location) A Coy in particular still engaged in heavy fighting in the beach area and in the area behind the
11:00 hrs.
Bn HC; moving to @@ (location). Civilians of Courseuilles-Sur-Mer welcomed our troops with flowers. Many a bottle of wine was dug up and presented to the troops, who at that moment had no serious task in hand.
12:15 hrs.
C Coy reports bridge at REVIERS clear.
13:30 hrs.
Bn HQ, followed by 3 Coy, moves forward to REVIERS.