175 Infantry Regiment (USA) attacking Montmartin-en-Graignes
Montmartin-en-Graignes, France
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The period 1800 9 June to 2400 10 June was used to consolidate defensive positions around Lison. On 11 June, active patrolling was done by all units. The night of 11 June, Major Miller, Executive Officer of 1st battalion, was put in charge of a task force with the mission of crossing the Vire River, attacking Montmartin en Craignes and securing crossing of the Vire et Taute canal against use by panzer units moving against our right. Brigadier General Cota, the Assistant Division Commander, accompanied this task force, which consisted of companies “C” and “E”, each with a section of heavy machine guns attached and sections of 81mm mortars. At 0645 on 12 June, the task force, with “C” Company leading, crossed the River Vire. It then pushed South to Montmartin en Graignes, with Company “E” on the left, Company “C” on the right. Stiff resistance was encountered on the outskirts of the village. Company “E” attacked to the West against the group of houses North West of Montmartin. Major Miller attached with Company “C” against the main village. The two forces became separated and Company “E” after suffering heaving casualties, withdrew across the river. Meanwhile, Company “C” with Major Miller and General Cota, pushed through the village and occupied the high ground South of Montmartin en Graignes.