At the date of 30-06-1942, time: 0148, the aircraft type Halifax has been lost. The location of the plane was found at: Noordwolde (Fr.). The unit of crew and plane is: 405 Sqdn. First flyer rank: F/Sergeant, name: W.J. Harrell. The plane belonged to the Allied forces.
Crew: Halifax Mk.II - W1113 - LQ-G - 30 Jun 1942 - Mission: Bremen
402223 - Pilot Officer - Pilot - Henry Adolphus Echin - RAAF - Age 22 - KIA
R/83419 - Flight Sergeant - Co-Pilot - William Jessup Harrell - RCAF - Age 21 - KIA
759300 - Flight Sergeant - Air Gunner - Reginald Thomas Adams - RAFVR - Age 21 - KIA
1284966 - Sergeant - W.Operator / Air Gunner - Walter Percy Beare - RAFVR - Age 27 - KIA
R/64880 - Warrant Officer - Air Observer - James William "Sammy" Bell - RCAF - Age 28 - KIA
R/84563 - Flight Sergeant - W.Operator / Air Gunner - Winston James Dickinson - RCAF - Age 25 - KIA
R/56246 - Flight Sergeant - W.Operator / Air Gunner - Paul Patrick Augustus Oneson - RCAF - Age 26 - KIA
571779 - Sergeant - Flight Engineer - Alexander Simpson - RAF - Age 21 - KIA
Henry Adolphus Echin
William Jessup Harrell
Reginald Thomas Adams
Walter Percy Beare
James William "Sammy" Bell
Winston James Dickinson
Paul Patrick Augustus Oneson
Alexander Simpson
Thanks to PATS (see source link for more info)