At the date of 03-04-1943, time: 2350, the aircraft type Halifax has been lost. The location of the plane was found at: Olst-Duur. The unit of crew and plane is: 419 Sqdn. First flyer rank: Flying Officer, name: P.D. Boyd. The plane belonged to the Allied forces.
Crew: Halifax II - DT617 - VR-G - 3 Apr 1943 - Mission: Essen
1043666 - 125482 - F/O - Pilot/Navigator - P. D. Boyd - RAFVR - Age 22 - KIA
R/65638 - Sgt. - Flt. Engineer - S. N. Hall - RCAF - Age 34 - KIA
J/12970 - F/O - Navigator - G. W. Lawry - RCAF - Age 22 - KIA
1511061 - Sgt. - Air Bomber - J. B. Langley - RAFVR - Age 19 - KIA
1079156 - Sgt. - W.Operator / Air Gunner - L. H. Ransome- RAFVR - Age 23 - KIA
1079156 - Sgt. - Air Gunner - H. T. Macdonald - RAFVR - Age .. - KIA
R/105759 - F/Sgt. - Air Gunner - B. W. Agar - RCAF - Age 26 - KIA
P. D. Boyd
G. W. Lawry
H. T. Macdonald
Thanks to PATS (see source link for more info)